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Why not become a Member of the
Max Ehrlich Association!
You are an individual, institution, public authority,
school/university, civic or Jewish organization, etc. concerned with or interested in:
exile studies, the history of World War II, theater, Jewish studies or related areas.
You are a theater group, actor,
director, musician, singer or otherwise active in the performing arts, or you want to
contribute to the preservation of cabaret, theater, film, musical comedy or operetta.
Annual dues
Individuals, non-profit institutions, schools/universities and theater groups
SFr. 50/$30
Other group and collective members :
SFr. 500/$300
Benefactors and sponsoring members:
SFr. 5000/$3000 |
You are directly concerned by the fate of the
Jewish people during World War II ...or in combating anti-Semitism, revisionism or
injustice today, as well as keeping the memory of the Shoah alive. All of the above are
just a few amongst the many reasons for joining the Max Ehrlich Association. Additionally,
your membership gives you access to our Documentary Collection plus other resources and
you are included in our mailing list for information on upcoming events, publications,
educational/cultural projects, etc.
If you wish to submit a membership application, please click
HERE! If you desire
additional information, please click
in the Max Ehrlich Association is granted without distinction regarding sex, origin,
nationality or religion. |