Max Ehrlich
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About the Association

In the spring of 2000, almost fifty-five years to the day since British troops liberated Westerbork concentration camp, a group of persons from Geneva, Amsterdam and Berlin decided to join forces in order to preserve the memory of Max Ehrlich, the Westerbork Theater Group, its members and their works.

Each brought to this undertaking their own particular areas of interest and special expertise: exile research, holocaust studies, anti-revisionist activism, German literature, theater, Jewish humor, family history, etc.



Together, they founded a non-profit association to offer infrastructure and activities in relation to the chosen subject matter.

   In memory of
the Theater Group
concentration camp 1943-1944
image hosting by

From the onset, they voted to limit administrative structures to the absolute minimum. Rather, the Max Ehrlich Association would constitute a largely informal platform on which to conjugate the members’ energies and competencies for maximum visibility and concrete results.

In this spirit, the Association’s action plan was articulated along five main lines of activities:
Documentary Collection
Information Activities (events)
Educational/Cultural Projects.

                                 Send mail to with questions or comments about the Max Ehrlich Association or this web site.            
                                 Copyright © 2000, 2008 Max Ehrlich Association
                                 Last modified: January 5th 2012